We Make it Easy to Make a Difference

Artists create community. Schools create community. Religious and civic organizations, colleges and libraries, small businesses and farms all create community. The Town belongs to all of us and works best when everyone is involved. With a population of just over 5,500 residents your vote counts.

You live LOCAL. So, VOTE local. And be VOCAL.

MDC MEETINGS are open to all Democrats and to the public-at-large. Meetings are on the 3rd Monday of each month at 7:00PM at the Town Municipal Center on Lucas Avenue.

Next Regular Meeting April 15, 2024

All interested voters are invited to come and to participate.  The meetings are 7:00-8:00, is in Room M-15 of the Municipal Center, 1925 Lucas Avenue, Cottekill 12419.  

Information: john.p.harrington15@gmail.com 

Co-Chairs: John Harrington and Doug Adams Secretary: John Aubrey Treasurer: Doug Adams

Election District Committee Members:

ED1 Natasha Williams, Vacancy

ED 2 Phil Ryan, Garrett Schlesinger;

ED 3 Laura Anker, Stephen Grossman;

ED 4 Doug Adams, John Harrington;

ED 5 Alan Newman, Lisa Giannico

ED 6 John Aubry, Vin Martello;

ED 7 Laura Shaine Cunningham, Adam Liebowitz.


MDC works throughout the year to encourage and recruit residents interested in running for office, serving on the MDC, or seeking a greater connection to the people, programs, and governance of Marbletown.


We provide information regarding governance, voting, candidates, political issues, and activities in our community. We also plan and organize events for meeting candidates, social and political discussion, and fundraising.


MDC campaigns for candidates running on the Democratic Party line for local, county, regional, state, and federal offices. Phone and email banking, petitioning, canvasing, hosting events and communicating are all part of the work of MDC.